Monday, May 29, 2006


While in Korea, you may be privy to the linguistic experience called Konglish - Korean & English smashed together. Essentially, these are English words that have been adopted into Korean, with the meaning occasionally changing. This is especially true with regards to technology - words like Internet, computer, homepage, etc. are all the same.

Some are a little different, though. Here's some that we've come across:

Hand Phone - Cell phone
Notebook - Laptop Computer (You often get puzzled looks in an elementary class when you ask them all to take out their notebooks, which they understand as laptops.)
Glamour - A big breasted woman (no idea where this came from)
Sharp - Mechanical Pencil
Skinship - Not a typo. The physical affection between friends, especially of the same sex.
One Piece - Dress
Officetel - We thought it was a telephone designed for offices (Office & Telephone). Instead, it is a rentable office for people that can't afford to have a house and an office (i.e. Office & Hotel)
Cunning - Cheating
Service - Free

PS: I've only got 22 more teaching days until we're back in Canada.

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