Friday, May 19, 2006

Delinquency Runs Amok

It's been a while since our last post, and apologies all around for that. We've been quite busy lately and it seems like a lot has happened. For the sake of brevity, though, I'll just run the highlights.

My interview went really good and I finally got the last piece of paper that I needed from Canada (my criminal record check). I'll find out on Thursday whether or not I've got the job and I'm thinking that things look good.

We mailed off our income tax returns last week. We were a little worried that we would end up having to pay a bunch of money, but we actually get a return, which is great. God blesses us when we're faithful!

Our individual responsibilities are about the same as always. School is going well for me and Emily is keeping really busy as well. We actually have three new teachers starting at the school within the next three weeks or so, so that'll be great. Perhaps I'll have fewer classes, which would be a mixed blessing. I love all my students and I love my job, which is something funny for me. There's still that feeling of "I'd rather stay home" most days, but once I am at school I love my job. (I've got a couple of students that are calling me beautiful and handsome on a daily basis. We're minor celebrities as we go about our daily lives. This'll never happen again.)

Two weeks ago Emily & I went to Busan (a city on the east coast) for a long weekend (Buddha's Birthday & Children's Day). It was really good and really relaxing. This past week we went to two different temples and a green tea farm. Green tea is funny - it just looks like a bush. I thought it would be more exotic.

Emily and I are going paintballing this weekend and next weekend. The foreigners center here is putting on a trip with two dates and Emily and I are going both times. Carpe diem.

Anyway, that's the quick version of things going on. Everything is great and we're really excited to come home. We arrive in Edmonton on July 3rd in the early evening and I (Jon) will be in Canada for sure until August 21 or so. Emily will likely be here longer because I will have to do 10 days of orientation in Seoul if I get the position with the public school. If not, we've got a back up plan.

So that's about it for now. Things are busy but good. We're still having a lot of fun and we're getting into a good routine. Korea is a good place.

PS: I'm addicted to green tea. I find that a cup of green tea after every meal helps the digestion and whatnot. (Just another sign I'm just getting older, eh Jordan?)

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