Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sports Day

Today and tomorrow are sports days. This is the Korean version of the Track & Field day that all of us loved so much during elementary school. Essentially (to my understanding), it is a two day competition in which you compete in various sports (dodgeball, soccer, etc.). If you win, you continue. If you lose first thing in the morning on the first day, you are out and you get to watch everyone else play for the rest of the time.

Oh, and if you're a girl, don't worry about it. Girls can't play soccer anyway so they just sit and watch.

To translate this into relevance for me, I'm entertaining myself for the next two days. No classes, no duties (beyond the normal stuff, which is just about finished two hours into the first day) and nothing but free time.

Look for a few posts in the next couple of days!

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