Thursday, March 23, 2006

Have you ever eaten live octopus?

I (Jon) haven't. I have recently confirmed that I am indeed allergic to seafood. Not severely, mind you, but enough to encourge my abstaining from sea dwelling creatures. Should the occasion arise where my allergies have finally stepped aside, I perhaps will one day try the Korean delicacy of octopus.

Koreans generally serve octopus three ways: boiled, raw and alive. I did try octopus once (I think it may have been raw) when I was still not sure about the allergy. Boiled - well, boiled octopus isn't really anything too special or spectacular.

Apparently the live octopus is a little dangerous. The octopus doesn't want to be eaten and so it will fight you, sometimes to the death. True story. Some people have died trying to eat live octopus because it has suctioned onto their faces and they have suffocated.

Other people, if they did not chew a tentacle well enough, would be later suprised to find that it had crawled out of their stomach and is now poking out their nose.

More mild forms of discomfort while eating live octopus may include (but are probably not limited to) suction cupped lips, teeth, tongue and cheeks. Remember - this fellow is alive and does not want to be swallowed. The legs are also smart enough to fight back without being attached to the head.

Rule of thumb when eating live octopus: chew well and chew fast.

Best of luck!

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