Sunday, December 11, 2005

Oh, Canada...

So here's the deal...

About two months ago, we get on the phone to the government of Canada and we tell them that we've left the country. We don't live there anymore, we live in Korea, here's our address, blah blah blah. The Reesors have left the nation.

About two weeks ago, we got a letter in the mail from the Federal Government. Curious as could be, we opened it up to discover a GST Cheque! Yes, indeed, people who live in a different country are apparently eligible for GST cheques. I'm not sure how, but we got our cheque for $81.39.

Two days later, we got a letter in the mail from the Federal Government. Curious as could be, we opened it up to discover a bill from the government for... $81.39! They mailed the cheque and two days later, they mailed the bill. Apparently people who live in a different country are NOT eligible for GST cheques.

Two days later, we got another letter. It was a summary of everything that had just happened. "Credits issues, payments received, amount owing, etc." The long and the short of it is this: the government needs to talk to itself a little bit more.

Fortunately, it only costs 58 cents to airmail a cheque back to Canada from here. Go figure.

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