Friday, June 23, 2006

Shoes aren't as easy as they look

Everybody has their rough days. Today (Friday) was test day for me (Jon) at the school. Emily comes in every Friday to help out with the tests. I see the kids on an alternating weekly basis and so this was my last day with this set of kids. I really love teaching at this school and I really love the kids so it was a little sad for me. I also had yet to print off any of my tests which can make for a stressful time if there is a lineup at the photocopier at the school.

Anyway, we were a little rushed getting out of the door and I had to change my insoles in my shoes. I saw my grubby running shoes (we had gone to the gym previously) and decided I couldn't get away with wearing them so I took out the insole, put it in the other shoe and then put that shoe on. I put on my other shoe and went to school.

As I was sitting down during the speaking tests, I started to cross my legs when, lo and behold, I noticed my grubby running shoes. I was instantly confused as I had thought that I decided not to wear running shoes. I checked my other foot, and the truth became shockingly clear.

I had on two different shoes.

Who does that? People wear different socks, yes. Clashing shirt and tie? Okay. Different shoes, unintentionally? I haven't seen it. But my students did. And people on the bus did. And people at the supermarket did. I told my students it was for good luck for Korea as they play Switzerland this morning at 4:00 AM for the World Cup. They believed me, but I still felt stupid.

So next time you're in a rush and you can't decide which shoes to wear, double check on your way out the door that you actually made up your mind.

On a different note, here's a couple of pictures of my grade 5 class. It's an energetic class full of good kids and the pictures turned out really well, so I'm glad. Of all the things we've experienced here, I think that my students will remain among the best parts of Korea. (Most days.)

The girls. Sweeter than honey and some of the neatest kids you'll ever meet.

The boys. A rowdy bunch but really good kids that make you remember what it's like to find fun and energy in anything.

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