Friday, January 12, 2007

So it's been a while...

A long time since the last post, and lots has happened since then. So we shall have a quick and dirty update.

Christmas was good. We saw both of our families via webcam, which was decent. Not quite as good as being there in person, but about as good as it can be. We opened our presents Christmas Eve and I (Jon) preached at church Sunday morning. We then went out for lunch with friends and proceeded to cook Christmas supper and do a gift exchange with more friends. It was a good ol' Korean Christmas.

New Years was also a blast. We stayed in Gwangju this year (last year we went to the east coast to watch the first sunrise of the year) and it was celebrated in grand style. We went out to this really nice Italian restaurant (Italian food and fried chicken are remarkably popular here) and then went downtown. We watched some fireworks (really cool), set off some of our own (also very cool) and had a really great time. Then we went back to our friends house, talked, watched a movie and crashed for the night.

January 2nd, I had a camp that lasted for two weeks. It was from 9:30 until 11:50 every day (not bad hours, if I do say so myself) of 20 grade 5 students. They were from all different schools and their English was generally the best, or their attitude was amazing, and that' s how they got into the camp.

In short, it was fantastic. I had an incredible time teaching the kids and it didn't even feel like work. Well, the 60 page lesson plan (single spaced) I had to write ahead of time felt like work. The camp itself, though, was incredible. I had so much fun and the kids were just gold.

Today was the last day of camp and Emily also finished all of her IBOLT assignments yesterday. With our work behind us, we cleaned the apartment, packed our suitcases and we're ready to hit the road! Tomorrow, we catch the 9:00 bus to Incheon (the international airport just outside of Seoul) for our flight. We're really looking forward to this holiday.

So no pictures for a while (until we get back from holidays) but perhaps a post or two in the meantime.
